The only thing we care more about than your bottom line is your peace of mind.

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Vision. Strategy. Execution.

It takes a special brand of person to go out on their own and build something out of nothing. We know what your business means to you and your family. Let us help you clarify your goals, chart a course to get you there, and partner with you on the journey. Don’t do this alone.

The only thing we care more about than your business is your peace of mind.

Business ownership is a solitary journey that few can understand. What concerns do you have right now that you can’t talk about openly with anyone? That can stop today. We, rektio would love to hear about your company and your vision for the future.

Do Any Of The Following Concerns Resonate With You?

Do Any Of The Following Concerns Resonate With You?

My Financial statements are behind and not 100% accurate
Many business owners forgo forecasting financial needs ahead of time – or do so with inaccurate and overly optimistic predictions for the health of their firm. Even if you don’t have all of the information, its imperative that you use the best estimate possible to start laying out your pricing strategies, expenses, etc. You have worked too hard to let lack of financial clarity get in the way of the vision you have for your company. Don’t go another month not knowing the financial status of your business. As your CFO rektio tesam will help you clarify your goals, chart a course to attain them, and partner with you on the journey.
I have not slept well in longer than I can remember
It’s hard to feel at peace no matter how much money is in the bank, if you can’t get a handle on everything that needs to be addressed.  Successful small business owners are confident, committed and skilled at their jobs. However, many decide early on that they can use these traits to do everything on their own, but trying to do too much can be a serious negative. It is difficult to give up control of certain areas. But wearing all of the hats is not sustainable. Let us help you figure out which tasks need to be passed off to someone else.
This pace is not sustainable - Burnout is inevitable
Now more than ever it is imperative that you spend your limited time wisely. Kudos to you for bootstrapping your business by doing your own books. And God bless your mother-in-law for helping with your social media. She’s a peach. Wouldn’t you rather spend that time developing new business?  Mentoring your employees? Coaching Billy’s soccer team?  Rektio team can do these tasks for you. Now you can spend more time on the things that money can’t buy. Call us today. We can’t wait to hear about your business.
I feel isolated and have no one i can talk to
Business ownership is a solitary journey that few can understand. Combined with the pressures of starting and setting up a business, it is hard to be the leader, the person responsible for all decision-making. The balancing act of putting on a brave face during a financial downturn can also make you feel like a fraud. What concerns do you have right now that you can’t talk about openly with anyone? That can stop today. Rektio team is anxious to hear about your business…
My Financial statements are behind and not 100% accurate
Many business owners forgo forecasting financial needs ahead of time – or do so with inaccurate and overly optimistic predictions for the health of their firm. Even if you don’t have all of the information, its imperative that you use the best estimate possible to start laying out your pricing strategies, expenses, etc. You have worked too hard to let lack of financial clarity get in the way of the vision you have for your company. Don’t go another month not knowing the financial status of your business. As your CFO rektio tesam will help you clarify your goals, chart a course to attain them, and partner with you on the journey.
I have not slept well in longer than I can remember
It’s hard to feel at peace no matter how much money is in the bank, if you can’t get a handle on everything that needs to be addressed.  Successful small business owners are confident, committed and skilled at their jobs. However, many decide early on that they can use these traits to do everything on their own, but trying to do too much can be a serious negative. It is difficult to give up control of certain areas. But wearing all of the hats is not sustainable. Let us help you figure out which tasks need to be passed off to someone else.
This pace is not sustainable - Burnout is inevitable
Now more than ever it is imperative that you spend your limited time wisely. Kudos to you for bootstrapping your business by doing your own books. And God bless your mother-in-law for helping with your social media. She’s a peach. Wouldn’t you rather spend that time developing new business?  Mentoring your employees? Coaching Billy’s soccer team?  Rektio team can do these tasks for you. Now you can spend more time on the things that money can’t buy. Call us today. We can’t wait to hear about your business.
I feel isolated and have no one i can talk to
Business ownership is a solitary journey that few can understand. Combined with the pressures of starting and setting up a business, it is hard to be the leader, the person responsible for all decision-making. The balancing act of putting on a brave face during a financial downturn can also make you feel like a fraud. What concerns do you have right now that you can’t talk about openly with anyone? That can stop today. Rektio team is anxious to hear about your business…
You’ve worked too hard to miss the mark. Let us partner with you on your journey. Reach out today and we can get started next week!

What Is Your Destination?

Not everyone’s goal is to go public and run a company like Amazon. We want to help you get to YOUR destination. Let’s meet. We would love to hear about your business.


What Is Your Destination?

Not everyone’s goal is to go public and run a company like Amazon. We want to help you get to YOUR destination. Let’s meet. We would love to hear about your business.


We may not be a good fit for your business right now – but a good book is always on time! We want to share a summary of James Althucher’s book: Choose Yourself. 

We may not be a good fit for your business right now – but a good book is always on time! We want to share a summary of Donald Miller’s newest book: Business Made Simple. He is a great resource for any business owner. Enjoy your day!

Bearing Defeat without Losing Heart. That is the greatest courage.